Zero Energy Buildings and Energy Service Companies
Energy Performance Contract (EPC)
In our world, whose resources are rapidly depleting, population growth, globalization, rapid development in technology, the rapid increase in energy need together with the increase in income and welfare level and the deterioration of the ecosystem balance accordingly have created new approaches on energy use.
Countries aim to reduce carbon emissions through energy saving, increasing the use of renewable energy resources, energy efficiency and similar sustainable projects.
One of the studies on this subject is energy performance contracts. Energy consulting firms improve energy delivery to the client, thus increasing energy efficiency and taking on the risks associated with this investment.
Energy consulting firms in Turkey are, there is a commitment to implement energy-saving projects. Energy performance contracts are a financial model that is offered to projects in terms of funding, depending on the amount of savings achieved within energy efficiency projects.
With EPS contracts, pre-project energy costs will be covered by system cost savings that will be reduced with the Project
In the EPC finance model, all risks that may arise in the project belong to energy consulting firms and a performance-based payment plan is drawn up for businesses. In this way, projects provide an advantage to businesses in terms of initial investment cost by deducting their own costs from their own earnings. In this way, the performance of the system is under the guarantee of the company.

Energy Performance Contract Stages