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from experts around the world
Participate in engaging and interactive sessions that will further enhance your knowledge of Zero Energy Buildings.
Live Presentations
Virtual in 2021
Call for
Live Presentations
ZeroBuild Türkiye offers a virtual platform to discuss the latest developments with leading building and energy experts, policy makers and industry representatives.
The programme includes distinguished live and poster presentations in plenary sessions covering the topics architectural and mechanical design.
ZeroBuild Türkiye is an integral part in our knowledge sharing and capacity building as a community. We are pleased to invite you to submit your interest by "Live Presentations" to be a part of ZeroBuild Türkiye !
Forum will give you a chance to present your work to help the world continue moving towards Zero Energy Buildings.
Call for Presentations - Deadline: 30.04.2021
With many sessions and hundreds of presentations, ZeroBuild Türkiye'21 delivers latest in building science, combined with real-world application and problem-solving.
Participants will join the alliance of Zero Energy Buildings for 5 days of learning, networking and collaboration with low energy building professionals across the world with simultaneous translations from and to English.
Register Now for our newsletter to receive program and speaker release updates.
Number of participants is limited...
Don’t miss your seat. Register now !!!
Presentation Headings
Zero Energy Buildings and Campuses
Zero Energy Buildings and Sustainable Cities
Zero Energy Buildings and Green Cities
Zero Energy Buildings and Smart Cities
Zero Energy Buildings and Decarbonization
Zero Energy Buildings and Urbanization
Zero Energy Buildings and Urban Transformation
Zero Energy Buildings, Green Energy and Green Mobility
Zero Energy Buildings and District Energy
Zero Energy Buildings and Climate Change
Zero Energy Buildings and Environment
Design of Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Building Design Tools and Methods
Life Cycle Challenges of Zero Energy Building Design
Biophilic Design and Zero Energy Buildings
Environmental Effects in Architectural Design
Zero Energy Building Retrofit Design
Zero Energy Buildings and Integrated Eco-Design
Zero Energy Buildings & Climatic Data
Traditional and Innovational Architectural Aproaches
Zero Energy Buildings and BIM-Enabled Performative Design
An Architect Friendly BIM for Designing Zero Energy Buildings
Daylighting Simulation Tool for Designing Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and Energy Modeling
Mechanical Installation Design for Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Building Technologies
Zero Energy Buildings and Architectural Approaches
Heat, Thermal Comfort, Heat Trasfer and Thermal Bridges
Thermal Insulation for Zero Energy Buildings
Humidity and Condensation in Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and Building Envelope
Opaque Surfaces in Zero Energy Buildings
Facades in Zero Energy Buildings
Profiles in Zero Energy Buildings
Transparent Surfaces in Zero Energy Buildings
Glass Solutions for Zero Energy Buildings
Energy Producing Windows for Zero Energy Buildings
Air Tightness in Zero Energy Buildings
Shading Systems in Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and Mechanical Installation
Ventilation Systems in Zero Energy Buildings
HVAC Systems in Zero Energy Buildings
Natural Ventilation and Evaporative Cooling
Heat Pumps for Zero Energy Buildings;
Zero Energy Buildings and Electrics
Zero Energy Buildings and Energy Sourcing
Zero Energy Buildings and Energy Services
Ecological Building Materials and Soil Buildings
Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete for Energy-Efficient Buildings
PCM, Phase Change Materials for Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and Construction Techniques
Zero Energy Buildings and Retrofit
Zero Energy Buildings and Building Materials / Services
Building Envelope
Thermal Insulation
Insulated Panels
Air Tightness
Performance Walls
Green Roofs
Household Appliances
Building Automation
Electrical Installation
Mechanical Installation
Insulated Ventilation Ducts
HVAC Insulation
Sound Insulation
Energy Sourcing
On-Site Renewables
Off-Site Renewables
Energy Storage
Energy Supply
Energy Services
Energy Services Consultancy
Preventive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Building Certification
Energy Consultancy Companies
Energy Digitalization
ESCOs - Energy Service Companies
Energy Financing
Zero Energy Buildings and Renewable Energy Systems
Renewable Urban Energy Platforms
Energy Efficient and Cost Effective Solar Houses
Zero Energy Buildings and Rooftop Solar Energy Systems
Building Integration of Solar Energy Systems
Effects of Shading on Performance of PV Panels for Building Applications
Geothermal Energy and Zero Energy Buildings
Geothermal District Heating and Environmental Effects
Direct Use of Geothermal Energy and Its Environmental Problems
Geothermal Energy Direct Use Applications; Challenges and Opportunities
Wind Energy and Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and On-Site Renewable Energy Systems
Zero Energy Buildings and Off-Site Renewable Energy Systems
Energy Digitalization
Zero Energy Buildings and Elektrification
Distributed Energy Systems in Buildings
Digital Energy Management in Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and Building Automation
Energy Storage Systems for Zero Energy Buildings
Energy Efficiency Technologies and Impact on Smart Buildings
Artificial Inteligence in Energy Systems
Using IoT to Improve Energy Efficiency
Electrical Transportation adn Effects on Buildings
Economics, Energy Management and Certification in Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and Energy Analysis
Zero Energy Buildings & Measurement and Verification
Zero Energy Buildings and Energy Performance Contracting
Zero Energy Buildings and Building Certification
Green Building Certification Models
"Passive House" Certification
Zero Energy Buildings and Material Certification
Green Electricity and Renewable Energy Certificates
Economics of Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and Sustainable Economy
Energy Efficiency Financing in Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and ESCO/SuperESCOs
Zero Energy Buildings from Financial Point of View
ROI for Zero Energy Buildings
ZEB Case Studies
Passive Houses
Low Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings
Plus Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Non-Residential Buildings
Zero Energy Industrial Buildings
Zero Energy Residential Buildings
High-Rise PZero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and Retrofit
Zero Energy Buildings in Different Climates
Zero Energy Buildings in the World
Zero Energy Buildings: Present Conditions in Countries
EU Legislations and Compliance with Standards
Zero Energy Buildings and Green Deal
National Regulations and Zero Energy Buildings
2050 Energy Efficiency Roadmap of Countries
Progressive Approaches Improving Energy Performance in Buildings
Passive and Active System Applicatiopns in Different Countries
Achieving High Quality in Zero Energy Buildings
Integrated National Energy and Climate Plans
"Passive House" Approach
Zero Energy Buildings and 2021/2030 National Energy Targets
Zero Energy Buildings and 2040/2050 Energy Perspectives
Zero Energy Buildings in Turkey
Zero Energy Building Definition and Regulations in Turkey
State Approaches and Strategies for Zero Energy Buildings
Energy Efficiency in State Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings and Embodied Carbon from Turkish Perspective
Zero Energy Buildings in Turkey: Present Condition and Roadmap to Success
How to Speed up Transformation Towards Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Building Studies in Turkey and Roadmap
Procurement Strategies and Roadmap for Turkey
Municipalities, Sustainable Municipalism and Zero Energy Buildings
Zero Energy Buildings in Terms of Turkish Real Estate Sector
"Passive House" Projects of Turkey
Zero Energy Building Projects of Turkey
Zero Energy Buildings in Existing Building Stock, Challenges for Near Future
Encouragement of Zero Energy Building Applications in Urban Transformation
Zero Energy Buildings, Effects on Economy and Employment