Alçıpan® Systems and
Sustainable Solutions
The most critical result of global warming is climate change. Climate change is the most important problem that human beings face today. Subject change sources mainly from activities performed by human beings, such as burning fossil fuels, differences in land use, decrease in forestlands and industrial processes etc. One may group the effects of climate change in three groups. These groups may be listed as extreme increase in values of various events, such as floods, storms and extremely hot weather conditions etc., as well as drought and sea level rise. Without a doubt, all of the events that are included to these three groups shall cause huge problems for humanity. Carbon dioxide emission must be decreased in order prevent global warming and climate change!
Also, as the importance of recycling procedures increases day by day for protection of natural raw materials, environment friendly practices of industrial institutions plays a central role in eco-sustainability. In this context, industrial institutions are encouraged by Zero Waste Project, i.e. a certification system that is initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning in 2017.
Renewable energy is of prime importance in Knauf…
Within the framework of all of the aforementioned components, Knauf considers sustainability perspective as the prerequisite of success in long-term, and feels responsible in the field of sustainability. Knauf works on various issues from rehabilitation of gypsum quarries to additives that are used and to emission figures. Our gypsum and plasterboard products make positive contributions on energy consumption in buildings according to principles of LEED V4, usage of environmentalist products and resources with low environmental impact, usage of products that are produced by supplying materials with low environmental impact, indoor air quality and ensuring that wastes occurred after production are recycled. As a result of such activities, since 2013, Knauf Turkey supported many projects that shall obtain green building certificate, and continues to do so. Also, Knauf Turkey is entitled to obtain 14001:2015 Environment Management System Standard, which is an international standard, by being engaged in activities that aim to decrease usage of natural resources in its factories and that aim to minimize the damages that are suffered by the soil, water and air. Knauf, who makes progress in energy efficiency values annually for sustainability and continuous improvement, follows all of such activities online. Furthermore, by applying in its factories all of the measures that are directed towards recycling via its environmental projects within the framework of eco-sustainability, Knauf is awarded Zero Waste Certificate for Ankara Ahiboz I-II and İzmir Factories as a result of evaluations made by the Directorates of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning.

Contribution to circular economy…
Knauf, who established a recycling facility in its İzmit and Ahiboz factory by breaking new grounds in the sector, is awarded “Waste Minimization Facility Certificate” given by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning. Defective plasterboard products are regained randomly in the facility, and thus, they are re-included to the process. Knauf, who monitors three environmental impacts for air, water and soil by making regular emission measurements and wastewater and waste analyses in all of its factories, endeavours to minimize negative effects with its belief in a sustainable world. Also, Knauf makes contribution to recycling by preparing joint projects with cement factories.
Drywall® Systems and Sustainable Solutions
Energy that is used during renovation or re-construction of a building after a fire, and also, carbon emission that may occur during a fire may cause carbon footprint to raise way above limit values. Therefore, it is of great importance to take actions relation with fire-resistance during project design processes related with buildings. In this context, Knauf presents sustainable solutions in architecture by plasterboards that provide fire-resistance in buildings for 30 minutes to 120 minutes thanks to the wide product range that Knauf possesses. Also, Knauf, who aims to take passive fire protection solutions to a step further by FireWin product range, provides a uniform solution that allows obtaining everything that is required for fire protection thanks to its wide product range that includes plaster, silicon, foam, belts, blocks and clamps.
Sound Insulation
Comfort levels that are required in buildings may be achieved only by accurate sound insulation measures. Knauf wall moulding systems allow improving the sound insulation of available components – these systems may be used in the entrance of a new, modern housing or for providing additional sound insulation between two housing. We are able to offer alternative system solutions for each sound insulation class by changing components such as profile type and thickness, Drywall® type. Thus, designers may benefit from this classification as a sound insulation criteria and may achieve the acoustic comfort that they wish to achieve in their designs by benefitting from the solutions we provide.

Spatial Acoustics
Acoustic values must be high in order to design a comfortable venue. Thus, it is ensured that conversations made in such environment are understood, and therefore, efficiency of people increases and their concentration is affected positively. In conditions where acoustic is poor, sound echoes after reaching to the listener, and the same sound reaches to the listener again by following a different path. The time that passes in between is long enough for the listener to perceive such sound differently and for making a negative impact on their performance. Echo that may occur in venues may be prevented easily by products that have a α value of 1,00. Please click to try.
Thermal Insulation
Thermal insulation must be sustainable in buildings, and must be designed in a way to preserve their thermal and acoustic performances for a long time by the area they are applied. Our sheathing systems are designed not only for the conditions in Turkey, but in consideration of several hot and cold climate areas.
Optimum temperature level may be achieved by sheathing specific to each building. The result provides fuel saving by sustainable and improved interior.
Seismic Design
Earthquakes pose a dramatic hazard for people all over the world. Although most of the earthquakes are massive, unfortunately, results of huge massive earthquakes cause severe damages and life losses.
Seismic advantages of dry construction systems created by Drywall® are listed as their being light, decreasing the dead weight of buildings and their ductility. Rigidity/ductility is related with support structures of buildings, material specifications and connection details of construction materials. Drywall® Systems may absorb earthquake energy, without losing their support power during an earthquake, by absorbing earthquake energy since they exhibit a ductile behaviour against dynamic loads. They exhibit such characteristic by conforming to the elastic and plastic behaviour of the building.
Since earthquake load is directly proportionate to the weight of the building, buildings that are constructed by light walls are affected from earthquake load less compared to buildings constructed by conventional heavy walls. More number of materials is required (reinforced concrete and steel etc.) in static calculation of the construction in order to satisfy earthquake loads that occur on buildings constructed by conventional heavy walls, and it is not economic. As we examined floor displacement ratios, we observed in several tests that dry construction systems, which are built by Drywall®, exhibit dramatically more amount of floor displacement compared to conventional wall systems in terms of both maximum support power value and collapse. Drywall wall systems in particular may achieve maximum support power by exhibiting much more floor displacement ratio.

Security Systems
Basic principle of all of the measures that provide protection from structural radiation is comprised of a plan for being protected from radiation, which shall be prepared by the manufacturer of X-ray imaging mechanism. This is because thickness of the required protective layer depends on the tube voltage of the device type that is used. Meanwhile, it is indicated to use lead at all times as the protective material of protective layer. The more tube voltage is, more the thickness of required lead layer will be.
Protective effect of protective layers made of other materials is defined as the equivalent of lead. Lead equivalent of a material gives the lead thickness that provides the equivalent of the protective effect of the material. With Knauf radiation protection systems, less amount of energy is used in radiology and radiotherapy. Protection from radiation is provided herein by specific lead values of materials used in parts that separate the protective room. Lead board laminated plasterboards that are used generally are processed with difficulty due to their weight, and extremely high level of attention must be shown to provide protection from an uninterrupted radiation in practice. Knauf Safeboard presents leadless alternatives for such method: more flexible in design, easier to process, economic in general design and with proven safety! A net advantage in design: a safe board that provides protection from leadless radiation may be processed like a “normal” Drywall®.
Surface Quality
According to the surface structure of the partition wall system that shall be applied and based on quality expectations, approximately three to one of the application period is spent on Drywall® filling procedures. Recently, expectations related with the filling procedure has also increased with the expectations of building owners. In order to meet such expectations, the most beneficial method is to apply accurately K1 to K4 classes, which act as a guideline for classification of surface quality. Potential fractures available on surfaces may be eliminated completely by various grouting and surface finishing alternatives. In order to experience our solutions specific to 4 surface qualities recognized by Eurogypsum:
Frontal Surface Finishing
Plaster products are expected to respond to any façade requirement thanks to their high process capacity and long service life.
Whether it is a scraped plaster, polished plaster, corrugated plaster, felted plaster or independent structure – no limit is imposed on personal design. Knauf finishing plasters provide an individual profile to each construction project thanks to different potentials of the surface design, and protect construction material and increase its value sustainably.
Mineral external plasters present almost unlimited design alternatives to designers, architects and civil contractors in terms of development of their vision. Different colours, structures and processing styles provide individual patterns in the form of an aethetic beauty that is not based on time. The same applies to mineral internal plasters that provide a special ambience by their forms and colours.
Paste-like, organic tempered silicate and silicone resin plasters have a micro porous surface. Even the smallest water drop, which is approximately 10.000 times bigger than micro pores of the plaster, may not penetrate into the plaster. Yet, moisture – water vapour molecules are approximately 2.500 times smaller than micro pores – they may run out easily.
Knauf SM 700® Pro provides unlimited design simplicity with many aesthetic surface types that are required on the frontal surfaces, such as scraped plaster, polished plaster, corrugated plaster and felted plaster etc. While Knauf solutions provide unique aesthetic options to each project, and they also protect buildings and increase their value sustainably.