Technical Visit
Gaziantep Ecological Building PassiveHouse Project Tour
A daiy tour to Turkey’s one and only passive house project “Gaziantep Ecological Building” to see how the passive building principles take form in a live building.

The Gaziantep Ecological Building Project
Bearing the distinction of being the first structure to have the PassivHaus certificate in Turkey and as a candidate of the LEED Platinium certificate, the “Gaziantep Ecological Building” was built on the premises of the Atatürk Culture Park by means of a joint undertaking by Gaziantep University and the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality.
As a recipient of Ipekyolu Development Agency grant, Ecological Building which functions as a Human Resources Center, also serves as a center where renewable energy technologies are introduced.
Envisaged in compliance with the PassivHaus and LEED Platinium criteria and regarded as the first in Turkey with a PassivHaus certificate, the Gaziantep Ecological Building represents an exemplary structure which generates a minimum amount of carbon emissions and utilizes sustainable energy systems.

Presentation & training areas
The Ecological Building features a 60-seat conference hall. Besides this space where new ideas regarding energy savings and sustainable energy sources can be shared and developed, a computer room situated in the building’s entry can be used by both tourists to gather information and students as a study room. Beyond that is a multi-purpose recreational lounge and exhibit space. The existing systems incorporated in the building are introduced to visitors by means of promotional films and a building mockup.
Why Passive?
A. Compact architectural design
B. Location supporting public transport and pedestrian transport
C. Green roof system
D. Green landscape area
E. Architecture supported with natural lighting
F. Triple-glass window systems and heat insulation carpentry system
G. Highly insulated building shell
H. Soil-based ventilation / heat balance system
I. Water-based cooling system
J. Recycled water usage / filtration system
K. Low-energy consumption LED lighting
L. Solar cells
Technical specifications of the Ecological Building

The formation of waste and loss of resources has been prevented in the construction of the Ecological Building, which is sized according to needs. Its compact architectural design also cuts down on excess energy consumption. In regards to the building’s requirements, various systems have been applied that support reduced carbon emissions and require a minimum level of energy consumption.
What are the energy sources?
Solar cells: The entire energy needs of the building are provided from the solar cells found in the structure’s garden. Called photovoltaic, these systems transform solar energy into electricity and transfer the obtained energy to the structure.
How is heating, cooling and ventilation of the building carried out?
Ventilation and heating / humidity balance system: With a heat recycling ventilation control room, while the indoor temperature, humidity and air quality are kept at ideal levels, comfortable conditions in the home are fully achieved. Formulated with the goal of bolstering this system, an application called “Canadian Well” sends hot air during the winter and cool air during the summer to the ventilation system via pipes buried 1,70 m. underground.
Water-to-water heat pump system: Another application incorporated at the Ecological Building is the “Heat Pump” system. This system involves water that is pumped up from deep wells and conveyed to the heat pump, which processes the energy and discharges the water in the discharge well. Cooling is facilitated with cold water (7/12°C) during the summer and heating is facilitated with hot water (45/55°C) using the heat pump. The building shell maintains the ideal temperature, humidity and air quality throughout the year with the aid of indoor heating, cooling and air conditioning.
Insulation: The most important feature of the Ecological Building is the lowering of energy requirements by providing high levels of heating insulation. The 40 cm thick fiberglass heat insulation boards that encapsulate the structure’s outer shell maintain the heat inside the building.
Triple-glass window system: Heat loss is also kept at a minimum with triple-glass window system installed in the building which feature low permeability.
What are low-consumption lighting systems?
Position of the building / taking efective advantage of daylight: The structure was constructed to face south in order to take maximum advantage of natural light.
Facade wall intervals: The building was planned to attain high e_ciency from daylight with wide windows installed in the south facade.
LED lighting: LED illumination fixtures are used in the building’s artificial lighting elements which keep energy consumption to a minimum level.
How efective water usage is ensured?
Efective water usage is ensured with rainwater storage and water filtration systems installed in the building garden. Water recycled with a filtration system designed with the goal of reusing gray water is used in toilet reservoirs; rainwater is used in landscaping irrigation. Water savings are also facilitated through the use of low-flow, pressurized fittings and
waterless urinals.
What is the “Green Roof” system?
One of the eco-friendly building solutions, the “Green Roof” system was applied in the Ecological Building Project. In short, the “Green Roof” involves planting green plants and fowers supported
with insulation materials on the building’s roof instead of classic coating materials. This system also
contributes towards balancing the humidity and carbon emissions inside the building
What is the LEED Certificate?
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the most highly recognized and accepted green building certificate in the world and is comprised of a series of criteria developed by the Council of Environmentally Friendly Buildings in the U.S. With the emergence of standardization and institutions that conduct certification studies, certificates began to be presented to structures
complying with green building standards. Certified buildings garner prestige as a green building and have increased sales/leasing value. The Gaziantep Ecological Building Project is a candidate to receive the Platinium certificate which is LEED’s highest rating level.
What is PassivHaus?
The focal point of the PassivHaus design ensures energy savings in the heating and cooling systems of buildings without compromising on comfort. The PassivHaus concept is not only valid for housing, as several schools, public buildings and industrial plants were also constructed at these standards. The most important features incorporated in PassivHaus structures are that they are highly insulated and that use a ventilation system as a heating method. The heating requirements in these buildings are met with pre-heated air. Featuring low energy construction standards, the PassivHaus concept was developed in Germany by Dr. Wolfgang Feist at the Passivhaus Institute in the early 1990’s.
Following the building of the first PassivHaus example at Darmstadt Kranichstein in 1991, nearly 50,000 such structures have been built throughout the world. The “Gaziantep Ecological Building” is the first PassivHaus example in Turkey.